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Torna a elenco Alumni

Francesca Boschiero (EMAM 2000)

"To me EMAM was the trait-d'union between my studies of Law and the entertainment industry. It gave me tools to understand and enter the audiovisual business. Main subjects treated (Entertainment Law, Marketing Strategies, Business Planning) allowed me to make my educational ground more complete and specialized. The EMAM international environment and its high profile teaching staff definitely made this program an invaluable experience."

Francesca Boschiero graduated in Law in 2000 at Luiss (Rome), with a dissertation on the legal and commercial relationship between United States and European Union with respect to the Audiovisual Product in the International Trade Agreements (WTO and GATS, NAFTA). Soonafter she did some post-graduate research in Los Angeles in the field of US Audiovisual Policies (Fall 2000). Then, she entered the EMAM - European Master in Audiovisual Management.

From September 2001 to November 2003 she worked for Rome-based film distribution company Lady Film, in charge with legal and business affairs. In this position she dealt with negotiation and revising of international acquisition agreements and of Home Video and TV license agreements. She was also responsible for Lady Film's library and MEDIA Programme film financing projects. For Lady Film she attended Film Festivals and Markets.

Since November 2003 she has been a practicing Attorney at Law Firm Grillo Sibilla & Partners, Rome.

Since January 2003 she has been Junior Member of Cinema Commission created by the EU Policies Ministry, Rome.